In today's podcast, Leslie talks about 4 big mistakes that homeschoolers make that can truly derail our homeschool mission.Listen till the end of the podcast and hear about the brand new project Leslie is releasing!Additional Resources

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Four Big Mistakes Homeschoolers Make That Can Derail Their MissionThere are so many new homeschoolers entering the ranks this year. How exciting to think about the impact all those moms and dads will have on their children with the extra time they’re about to have with them— A. MAZ.ING!As is often the case, though, newness comes with both excitement and a touch of fear (ok, let’s be honest, a whole lot of fear…)I wanted to share with you a few mistakes that new homeschoolers make that if you can avoid them, you’ll get off to a much better start!Mistake #1--Don’t recreate school at home.I know, I know— ever since you were a child, you’ve wanted to play school for real, right?? (At least, that was my approach when we started.) :) Finally, you get the chance to set up your classroom, make your rules, and manage everything and everyone as you teach the material like a pro. ;) The thing is, a home classroom and a corporate classroom don’t need to function the same way. When we make the mistake of trying to wedge in the structure that’s needed in a group setting, we lose much of the flexibility and joy that’s available in a home setting. Approach your school through brand new eyes— and especially through the lens of your mission as a Christian homeschooling parent. Your mission AND your newly found freedom should be reflected in the way you set up your homeschool.Mistake #2-- Don’t let guilt override your detours.For those of you who haven’t started up yet, you are probably thinking… what in the world is she talking about? So, let me explain. One of the greatest privileges of being a homeschool parent is the “detours” you get to take with your children. The conversations that truly go off the rails as you explore all kinds of things that really interest and excite your children. That’s all part of instilling a love of learning! But, if you don’t understand fully why you’re doing what you’re doing, the guilt of not doing it exactly as you experienced it in school will likely keep you back from taking those detours. Don’t ever let it!! The other great benefit of detours for a Christian homeschooler on mission is that those are the conversations that often give you the biggest insight into your child’s heart. Satan would LOVE to guilt you away from taking the time to have those discussions, so don’t ever let guilt override your detours!Mistake #3-- Don’t try to go it alone. I say it all the time, but I can’t say it enough— you were not created to walk alone!! God created people to live in community with one another, to bear one another’s burdens, to discuss,