Dynamic, energetic and transparent are the words often used to describe 2019 Exceptional Woman of Color Honoree, Fitness Olympian, Survivor of Domestic Violence, Globally-Recognized Women’s Health and Personal Development Expert, 13 x Author, U.S.A.F. Veteran, Dynamic Speaker, Creator of N-PowerHER Forward(™) personal development program for women and CEO of N-Powered Coaching Academy, Laticia “Action” Jackson.

Action Jackson has been featured in over 30 health and personal development magazines such as Oxygen Magazine Australia. Muscle and Fitness Hers, Today’s Black Woman, Bella and many more. You will often find her featured on TV stations such as NBC News, Seattle’s King 5, WEAR Channel 3, WSRE, Blab TV, CW 31, ABC 10, FOX 40 and other stations where she shares insight, tips and tools on how women and girls can overcome social, physical and cultural barriers. Now, hear her take on the Essential 11 questions. 

More places you can find Action Jackson: 

Instagram - @Npoweredcoachingacademy

Facebook - @Npoweredcoachingacademy

Instagram - @Npoweredcoachingacademy

Youtube - @Npoweredcoachingacademy

Website - www.npoweredcoaching.com