From being kicked out of law school and in crippling debt to best-selling novelist, Joe Quirk has one interesting hero's journey. It was only as he hit rock bottom that he realized there was nothing left to do but do what he had been wanting to do.  The journey of his life has led him to become President of The Seasteading Institute and co-founder of Blue Frontiers. Joe Quirk is also a science writer, novelist, and memoir ghostwriter, with a national bestseller in each category. He is co-author with Patri Friedman of Seasteading, an Amazon bestseller in the category of marine engineering. Joe leads a team of lawyers, engineers, business leaders, artists, and investors to establish the first floating community with unprecedented political autonomy in the waters of a host nation. Now, hear his take on the Essential 11 questions.  

More places you can find Joe: 

Twitter - @JoeQuirkExults 

Linkedin - Joe Quirk 

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