Technology is a messy minefield that every parent journeys through so I brought my friends, Brett and Erin Kunkle, onto the podcast to talk about this subject from a Christian perspective.

What you'll hear in this episode:
- the need for a theology of technology
- Christian ways of thinking of technology
- how technology has morphed over time
- why parents don't need to shy away from this subject
- how to talk openly and often with our children
- the power of taking breaks from technology

Part of two of my conversation with Brett and Erin Kunkle coming next week!

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Click HERE to get my introductory resource, Homeschool: Simple and Safe!

Find show notes HERE.

Click HERE to learn more about the Kunkle's ministry, Maven.

Click HERE for more info about the Kunkle's conference, Navigating a World of Screens. 

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