Over two decades and three homeschool books behind me, and I'm learning a whole new way of homeschooling:

Homeschooling struggling learners.

Just a couple months after Everything You Need to Know About Homeschooling was released, my adopted twins both received diagnosis of a relatively rare behavioral/emotional issue as well as ADHD. 

Fun times.

It totally explained the frustrations that had been gradually mounting over the past couple of years. But it also pointed to a new hurdle: I needed to learn new parenting and homeschooling skills.

So when I met Peggy Ployhar at a conference for homeschool leaders, I was so relieved. At last, someone who understood and ministered right where I and so many of my friends are at: teaching struggling learners.

Peggy Ployhar, SPED Homeschool Founder & CEO, is a physicist turned home educator who left a lucrative career in the medical device industry to teach the struggling learners in her own home after her oldest son’s diagnosis with Asperger Syndrome.

Peggy founded SPED Homeschool in 2017, an organization that empowers families across the globe to homeschool children with specialized educational needs, and she also hosts the popular live broadcast and podcast, Empowering Homeschool Conversations, a weekly talk show where her guests address relevant issues related to homeschooling for unique learners.

Peggy helps us out with so many things:

what do we mean by "struggling learner"what strategies help a struggling learnerwhat kind of training do parents needwhat kind of curriculum works besthow to incorporate therapy into homeschoolinghow to approach high school and adulthoodand more!

In this episode:

Empowered Homeschool Network

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