You may know that I am a homeschool graduate. I love talking with other homeschool grads about our shared experiences and our different opinions. Homeschool grads are such a diverse group now, and it's fun to get together. So for this episode, I talk with homeschool graduate Christina Somerville.

Christina Somerville was homeschooled from Grades 1-12 and has a B.A. in Literature from Patrick Henry College. She spent ten years in high school and college theater, ten years in curriculum development (designing Jr. High and High School literature class plans for Tapestry of Grace), and twelve years in teaching. Christina teaches history, literature, writing, and the Bible as Literature for online academies (most recently The Potter’s School and Y2 Academy for SAT/ACT prep). She also tutors professionally in grammar, writing, vocabulary, history of all kinds, literature of all kinds, SAT and ACT preparation, and reading comprehension, to students across the spectrum from home schools, private schools, and public schools, in two different countries and from elementary to college level. She has edited several works for publication and is the author of two textbooks on literary analysis: Poetics and The Literary Toolbox.

This is a unique episode of the podcast because Christina and I discover some of our different perspectives on homeschooling and worldview. It was a really interesting and thoughtful conversation. I hope you enjoyed it!

In this episode, Christina tells us:

the different experiences of homeschool gradsthe way homeschooling affects homeschool grads' perspectiveif homeschooling is the same or different across different social groupsunintended affects of homeschoolingthe independent thinking (or not) of homeschoolersthe "outside" viewpoint of homeschool gradshomeschool grads and bitternessand more!

In this episode:

Lampstand Press

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