Michael McGlynn of Dublin, Ireland, has a mission to spread peace through musical experience through his ensemble Anúna. He, and us, the singers, are honored to share with you an online experience and performance that will move you and allow you to give to homeless shelters around the world. As Ireland and much of the world has closed down for St. Patrick’s day celebrations and recognition, Michael is please to provide this concert to you, yours and those that you know. And you will have the opportunity to give to homeless shelters around the world.

The homeless population are amongst the most vulnerable to the spread of the COVID-19. A basic human right is to have a place to feel safe, away from harm, observe safe hygiene, and have shelter. Homeless are being hit all over the world by this virus, and non-profits and charities are desperate for resources as beds are full, meals are scarce, and shelter is reaching the point of overflowing. The carona virus is on the climb, and we are just seeing the beginning of this epidemic, with no way to predict what will happen to those that are most vulnerable around us, including the elderly, the immune-compromised, those with underlying health issues, and… the homeless.

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