The willingness to listen as a trait of the entrepreneur is all about relationships in your business. Relationships are based on reciprocity. This is obvious to most people and also to most business people but what is the ratio of your giving and taking when you are in a discussion with another person? Talking to another person and listening to another person, what is the ratio? Are you always taking and it doesn't appear to the other person that you talk and never listen? In a good relationship, there's always a dialogue, there is always give-and-take, so you should always strive to listen more than you talk to be recognized as a good leader. Certainly being in the ability to listen to others and understand what they're saying whether or not you agree with it, is an important feature of a leader in business. So emotional intelligence was defined originally in 1990 and one of the traits of having emotional intelligence is ,of course, being able to listen. So emotional intelligence is commonly described as the ability to perceive evaluate and manage emotions in others and ourselves.