So why do we want a learning center? Well, this is going to be your signature offer until you develop one where you have social proof and you've developed your coaching model so that you have your high ticket offer. So this is going to be the initial continuity offer. You want to consider what your signature offer is going to be and then divide it by twelve to get your monthly pricing. But you need to have a lot of members to justify the cost. So your learning center will be a step in towards your high ticket offer. And at the end of the funnel, until you develop your largest ticket offer, whatever that might be in terms of your signature coaching, you can have a continuity offer of a learning center. In Build your Business I go over the 15 principles in detail over 52 weeks. If you follow along and implement these principles your business will grow so follow this podcast for action steps to grow your business and subscribe to get workbook and action steps at