Today we're going to be talking about Instagram as a way to get more exposure for your brand. For those who don't know, this is get your message out Tuesday where we talk about your brand and your messaging and how you can use your messaging on various mediums, whether it's your social media or your website or even just through your direct mailing. So let's have a look at what we've been talking about briefly for the last few months, we've looked at your message and we have an offer on building your own brand in a week at So that is a critical factor in your business. And one of the ways you can do it is by your messaging and making sure it's the messaging that will attract your ideal customer. So, Brand, is your promise, your commitment and what you stand for and stand against in your business, it is all about your messaging. It is messaging that is consistent, accepted and attractive to your customer and has a unique edge to differentiate yourself from your competitors. And so far, we've had a look at Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and today we're looking at Instagram and we had look at what is Instagram all about. And today we're going to be looking at a success stories on Instagram. For more free skill training, go to Home Business Startup Toolkit at