Watch the video version of this episode here:


Quarantine Song Challenge Ends

Welcome back my fellow fader finaglers! Well, The Quarantined Song Challenge has officially come to a close and the results are in, Chris Sanders was voted as the winner and had a ton of support from the community over on the YouTube channel as well as in the live chat. With a towering amount of vote his submission "The Garden Song" won out over everyone else! Stick around to the end of the podcast, I'm going to play you the song that won!

After the closing of the challenge I held a poll to see if anyone would be interested in another, and the results were highly in favor of actually hosting another song challenge! So, the folder for upload is available in the description of this podcast/video and if you would like to get in on the fun, just upload your song submission there.

I am including a few rules that previously did not apply as I have learned from the last song challenge that I should've placed a few stipulations on the legal side of things. Now, thankfully the music police are not knocking my door down but I did have to battle it out with some copyright claims on the YouTube channel as some of the songs that were submitted were already released and held under copyright laws.

So, due to this, the rules will be a little more stringent so as to keep things streamlined and also to avoid copyright strikes on the channel. Details will be released about this on the channel and the Facebook page soon!

New Merch Available

In other announcements, I have populated the merch store with several more designs at the request of some awesome people within the community. Keep in mind that when you go to the site to check things out that there are a ton of variations available other than just size and color. For instance, you can get you favorite design on a coffee mug, a sticker, a skateboard, or even a shower curtain! Just look around and find something that suits your needs and help support the channel.

New Ways to Support The Channel

I’ve had a lot of people reaching out asking how they can support the channel and compensate me for the time I’m investing into helping others. So, I held a poll to ask what they would feel comfortable with - (what platforms, donations amounts, that kind of thing)

Although most were very willing to go direct through PayPal there were still some who thought it would be nice to utilize the Patreon account as it has extra members perks built in. In light of all of this, I really aim to be as flexible as possible and at the end of the day people want to use what they are comfortable with.



1- Wampler Terraform-

Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge Wampler Fan. I had the privilege of interviewing Brian on the YouTube channel some time ago and not only is Brian an exceptional guitar player but he's also just an all around nice guy.

Recently, he broke into the digital realm by releasing some FREE, yes you  heard me right FREE plugin emulations of Wampler Pedals! Currently the Wampler TerraForm pedal is available as a FREE download for both Windows and Mac users.

Not too long ago Wampler Pedals did not have a multi-effects pedal in their arsenal and focused more on the individual boutique style that most companies have adopted over the years, however in November of 2019 Brian and his team unveiled the TerraForm Multi-Effects pedal. Since then it has been received very well.

Now, in typical Wampler fashion, when they release something it usually exceeds the expectations of potential customers and long time users alike. The Terraform is no exception!

When Wampler decided to jump into the multiFX market, they did it in style.

This beast of a pedal comes equipped with 11 custom designed effects blocks, from Flanger to Phaser, Chorus to U-Vibe, Harmonic Tremolo to Envelope Filter, etc.

Now, in one incredibly small package, you can control any of the 8 presets via midi, you can assign an expression pedal to control ANY of the main five controls, and you can run it in full glorious stereo or keep it in mono... you can even split that mono signal to route some effects to go before your drive pedals, or amp gain, and have the rest follow behind or in your effects loop!

When you put the Terraform into your rig, you know that not only will you get that legendary Wampler tone, but you will get the most easy to use, hugely versatile and best sounding collection of modulations you could ever want. So, with all that being said, NOW you have the option to download it for FREE as a plugin!

2 - Cypress TT-15 -

Black Rooster Audio‘s guitar amp head emulation meticulously modeled after a very versatile, yet uniquely sounding low wattage amplifier the Black Rooster Audio Cypress TT-15 comes to you at an unbeatable price point: It‘s free! With its no-nonsense approach and only six intuitive controls, the Cypress TT-15 will help to get the job done right away, no matter if you‘re looking for clean through crunchy guitar tones or if you want to achieve biting, distorted lead sounds. We also included a simple 2x12 cabinet simulation that can be bypassed if you prefer other solutions or if you‘re feeding into an external power amp/cabinet stage.


3 - Steven Slate Drums 5.5 -  

Get the fully-functioning, never-expiring SSD 5.5 demo with one incredible Deluxe 2 Kit, as well as a Classic “mix-ready” processed Slate snare, and three unique kit presets including “Deluxe 2 Free”, “Hugo”, & “Dry n’ Tight” for FREE.


When I first started mixing it was rough to say the least. I was poking around in the dark trying to blindly find my way through this maze of technical jargon and new computer programs that felt very intimidating.

I don’t want that for you. That’s why this brand exists. The YouTube channel, this podcast, the website, the Facebook page and the Collab Group we’ve started, it all revolves around helping people. Why?

Because as I look back on my life I realize that the times I was the happiest were the times that I was helping people. Today is no exception. 

These tips I’m going to give you today are things that will dramatically improve your mixes right out of the gate and once you get the principles behind these tips, you can then apply the same things learned here today,  to every mix thereafter.

Quick side note before I start, I will include the same list I’ll be covering today as a PDF download in the description of this video, so if you’re on your commute or just broke your favorite number 2 pencil, I gotcha covered.

Here we go!

Home Studio Simplified exists to simplify the complexities of the Home Studio and to help you make professional music in a less than professional space. We can Dream alone. We can Create alone. But Together we can achieve so much more.