HSS Episode 24-Do Expensive Cables Really Matter?

In this episode I discuss some results I got when I did some A/B testing on some high end cables. Also, I recently installed a Furman PL-8 Series Power Conditioner. Was it worth it?

HSS Blog-Are Expensive Cable Worth it?

Gear Review:

New to the arsenal is a Nady RSM-4 Ribbon Mic, I cover briefly my thoughts on this new mic I just acquired for $75 on eBay. Full review of the mic soon to come. By the way, I actually used this mic to record the episode you're listening to!

A link to the PSN Podcast episode with Slau, where he gives some great audio examples of ribbon mics.

A New Segment: Find That Frequency

Listen to this short snippet of audio and try to figure out what the offending frequency is that's causing problems in the audio.

Song: Jazzy

Artist: Robert McClellan

Album: Unreleased Single as of now

Style: Electric Instrumental


Thanks to:

Big thank you to Segoviashu who left an honest review in the iTunes store for the podcast!

Thanks to Justin Clark who left a great review on my Thumbtack profile for the Studio work we did together.

Another big thank you to Shi from sunny California for the kind words regarding the Youtube channel and the podcast, as well as John-Paul Ortega who found the episode on Room Acoustics very useful for getting better acoustics in his basement, and in turn he left some kind words in an email.


Thank you as well to all the email subscribers and Facebook “likers”! And thank you to all the YouTube subscribers as well!


If you'd like to join me on Hangwith.com sometime for live Q&A or just general randomness you can do so here: Hangwith HSS here