Today’s guest instructor, Friday Apaliski worked for six years at San Francisco’s Department of the Environment. In her time there she witnessed first-hand just how complicated and nuanced being environmentally conscious and sustainable can be.

For anyone looking to green their home this amounts to a firehose of overwhelming information that leads to confusion and inaction. Not many have the countless hours required to research the products and programs best suited for their goals. They want an expert to talk them through options, in plain English, and assure them that their choices are in fact beneficial.

Friday’s company, The Sustainability Concierge does just that! She is passionate about the environment and an unrelenting optimist, who jumps at every opportunity to make the sustainable choice both obvious and easy.

By the end of this class you’ll have Friday’s take on emergency preparedness and creating a less toxic home.

The cleaning products Friday recommends:

HOMEWORK: Watch "The Story of Plastic" and "Mossville".