There are many factors to consider when designing your landscape. From plant sourcing to overall aesthetic, like many things, it’s best to have a plan! Today’s guest instructor is going to walk us through the process of exterior design, and touch on some common questions most homeowners have.

Allison Rhodes Messner is the co-founder of Yardzen, the leading online landscape design service. Yardzen is a platform that assigns a talented landscape designer to create a just-for-you design, factoring your style and your property’s unique characteristics. A mom of two young kids, Allison is passionate about living life outside and the intersection of design and technology.

By the end of this class you’ll have some recommendations for choosing plants, actionable steps for creating your vision and a look into the biggest landscaping trends for 2020.

Where do you recommend people source their plants?

Go to your local native plant nursery. Get rid of pesticides and plant things that need minimal care from you.

Why is it important to have a visual of what you want, before tacking a large landscaping project?

Landscaping is alive and will look different at different times of the year, so getting expert help is great. Ask you local nursery for basic ideas, hire a designer or use an online service like Yardzen.

Let’s talk about “conscious construction”. How can homeowners make more earth-friendly landscaping decisions?

Demo is one of the leading waste generators. Rather than ripping stuff out, breathe new life into it. Become an expert in how materials are harvested and make more conscious decisions.

What are your tips for creating a space that’s water smart?

It’s different based on your region. Use local resources to guide you.

What should consumers take into consideration when choosing grass/ground cover? What are some of your favorites to work with?

Delta Blue Grass No Mow Sod is great! You can mow it or let it go wild. Decomposed granite is also a contemporary and functional cover.

What are the biggest landscaping trends of 2020?

Gardening is making a comeback! Gardens are smaller. People are putting gardens in their front yards to become a part of their community/sharing food.

What are some products on your radar? Can be outdoor lighting, watering, pavers, tile etc.

Lighting is a great place to invest money- Volt Lighting is great, they have really cool LED products. Outer is an outdoor furniture brand we should also be checking out.

Are you seeing a shift towards outdoor living/connection to nature? How do you like to evoke these feelings with yard design?

Think of your outdoor space in rooms! Dining room, playroom etc.

How can you create an outdoor play space for kids that feels more organic and not so “plastic”?

Use existing elements you have. Places where kids can climb and swing. If you have to cut down a large tree, make them into stairs etc. Kids love natural elements.

What should homeowners take into consideration when it comes to choosing plant maturity?

Start with function- ask what you want to do in your space. Think of your outdoor space in terms of rooms. Style last, and then finally material selection.


Sketch out what your outdoor rooms are going to look like. Go to a local native nursery and talk to an expert. Learn about local habitat plants in your area.

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