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Keeping your property and your family safe is no longer as simple as locking doors and installing a security system. There are some other simple things that you can do to keep your loved ones safe:
Change your door locks when you move into your home. Even if you haven’t just moved in, if you feel that maybe your security has been compromised, this may be a very good idea. Upgrade your door’s security while changing the locks. Nearly 66% of all break-ins happen through the front door, the back door, or the garage door. Think about purchasing a stronger door when you replace your locks.Remove the hidden key under your doormat. The FBI reports that 12% of break-ins happen because there is an extra key hidden around the exterior of the home. Use timers to turn on lights and televisions remotely. This can give the appearance that your home is occupied. Motion-sensing lights are a good idea, too. Get a dog. This is serious. It’s a very simple and effective thing to do. Even a small dog that’s barking loudly can deter a burglar, and studies have shown that dogs do deter burglars compared to homes without dogs. Fake an alarm system. You can purchase decals that make it appear that you have a security system, which can sometimes be just as effective. Install a camera into your home. Thanks to a lot of DIY systems, you can install a camera for under $100. Thieves will be deterred if they know that you are watching their every move.Check your windows and doors for easy points of entry. Your home is probably not as secure as you think it is. Before you go to bed, make your rounds.Call your local police department and have an officer survey your home for safety purposes. He/she can give you tips on how to better secure your property.Eliminate hiding spots created by landscaping around your property. Walk around your yard and pretend to break into your property. Where would you hide?

Even a fake security system sign can deter burglars.

Please feel free to share this information with your friends and family. These are great tips to help maintain your quality of life and protect the people that you value most.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any mortgage questions. I look forward to continuing this conversation!