“What I envision is where everybody has healthy homes regardless of your income, your age, your ability, your race of gender whatever it may be. Everybody has access to clean, comfortable home that’s energy efficient, that’s run of clean renewable energy that’s not wasting any necessary resources.  I really think that’s possible. It’s possible even now. It’s not 20 years from now, but it’s possible right now. If you want to make that happen, we can absolutely make that happen. That’s my message. You know when there’s a will, there’s a way. I completely believe in that.”

Avideh is a Southern California based licensed Architect specializing in sustainable/regenerative design. She believes that though buildings are primarily a matter of tectonics, they emerge from and contribute to social and ecological systems. While she has previously served as co-facilitator of the Living Future Los Angeles collaborative, as well as co-chair AIA Los Angeles Committee on the Environment, she is currently on the steering committee of the AIA California Climate Action Committee, leading AIA CA's efforts on embodied carbon. I also sit on the board of directors of USGBC-Los Angeles chapter.

Avideh shares of her history and passion that led her to where she is today professionally, and her experience as an owner/founder of ZEROHOUZ, which is her personal journey to renovate a small 99-year old home in Signal Hills into a regenerative home as an example of what can be done.

Avideh has partnered with Building Decarbonization Coalition to utilize a campaign called, “Switch Is On” that educates the general public about the importance of home electrification.