"We can talk about your particular situation and what’s best for you. Don’t ever get confused. Clients (home owners, buyers, investors) should recognize that they are the drivers. Everybody else is merely tools to help you get where you’re going. But you need guidance sometime to help you learn just what you can do and then you can make a qualified decision."

Mike Young is a 203K consultant, who has helped homeowners, home buyers as well as investors to achieve their goals for their new home visions. As a 203K consultant, he works with lenders who offer FHA 203K loan, which is a loan that includes renovation loan, which upon completion of the renovation work, becomes commonly used FHA loan, 203B.

His job is to inspect homes to identify what can be done to improve the property structure-wise, cosmetically as well as energy efficiency wise to come up with a scope of work to put out for bids. Once the borrower selects the contractor based on their bids, 203K consultant would act as an liaison between the lender, contractor and the borrower to assure smooth construction process and underwriting process.