Based on the studies, we’re about 3 years away from gas powered cars leveling off and no longer having growth though they will still be selling. By 2025, a third of all cars will be electric, and by 203, 50% or more will be electric. 

David Eagle, founder and CEO of CURRENT EV, is an Emmy Award Winning TV Producer/Director, a Green Technology Entrepreneur and an electric vehicle, solar power/charger expert. David was an early adopter of both EVs and solar power, has owned numerous EVs including one of the first Nissan Leafs sold in the U.S. His home is powered entirely by solar, which charges his electric vehicles with a charger installed in his garage. Through the extensive contacts he has established with Los Angeles automobile dealerships, and via his relationships with various organizations like Plug-In America and the Electric Vehicle Association, David has become an expert on negotiating the best deals for EVs, chargers and solar power. During the 1st year that CURRENT EV’s car-shopping website has been active, he has transacted an impressive number of EV leases and purchases for CURRENT EV customers.
How did an Emmy Award Winning TV producer/director turn into an electric vehicle expert?What’s happening on the market?Configuration of his soiar powered lifestye?What are the Incentives for consumers to go green with our choice of low to no emission vehicles? What are landlord required to do when tenants want to install a charger?What is your forecast for the trend in general?