"If you're not taking climate risk into your investment strategy, you're really missing out."

Ben Stapleton is an LA native who brings a creative mind and consultative approach to a wide range of projects with a focus on building teams and designing programs to deliver impactful results. As Executive Director for the U.S. Green Building Council - Los Angeles,  his current work is based on coordinating an ecosystem leveraging the built environment as the entry point and connective fabric to help create a more sustainable society for all.

I noticed you have a real estate license and have worked with real estate investors.  Assuming it was commercial real estate, but can you briefly tell me about that experience: i.e., what were your roles?Do you have any ideas or suggestions to mitigate some hurdles so that more developers would use green materials because those flippers and developers are the ones that creating a lot of homes in our city, and if we can incentivize them to build green, we will have a great impact. On the personal note, I understand you just moved into a new home.  What are the measures you’re implementing in your home to make it more green?