In this episode of Shorties!,  Kate & Claire share what's happening this week with updates on CACFP reimbursement rates, the Workforce Development Institute, the benefits of becoming a child care provider, new Brightside Up staff, and the Brightside Up's recipe video series.

The Bright Ideas in this episode include the social story, "I Can Rest" ready by Philomina on our mental health team and the "Perfect Picnic" article out of our Home and Classroom Magazine.

Show links:

CACFP Reimbursement Rates
Workforce Development Institute
Become a Child Care Provider
Recipe Video Series
I Can Rest Social Story
The Perfect Picnic


Home & Classroom: Shorties! is a weekly podcast sharing updates on what’s happening in the world of child care along with a couple of bright ideas in less than 15 minutes. 

Home & Classroom is an interview-style podcast featuring child development experts with hosts Rachel & Hannah. Shorties! is a news-style podcast on what's happening at Brightside Up with Claire & Kate.