In this episode, Kate & Claire share what's happening including our Invest in NY Child Care Deserts Grant updates, our virtual Mini Conference, the Capital Region  Early Childhood Career Development Center, Workforce Development Institute (WDI) Child Care Subsidy updates, National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day, and  the Dianne Meckler Scholarship.

Bright ideas in this episode include the "Soup Breathing"  tip card and ways to show your provider some appreciation.

Show links:
Invest in NY Child Care Deserts Grant
Virtual Mini Conference
Capital Region Early Childhood Career Development Center
Workforce Development Institute (WDI) Child Care Subsidy
Provider Appreciation Day
Dianne Meckler Scholarship
Soup Breathing Tip Card


Home & Classroom: Shorties! is a weekly podcast sharing updates on what’s happening in the world of child care along with a couple of bright ideas in less than 15 minutes. 

Home & Classroom is an interview-style podcast featuring child development experts with hosts Rachel & Hannah. Shorties! is a news-style podcast on what's happening at Brightside Up with Claire & Kate.