Cielo Rojo - Carolina McCandless and David Perez own this Takoma based authentic Mexican restaurant. 

In the heart of Takoma Park, MD is this lovely Mexican restaurant. Carolina McCandless and David Perez -- husband and wife duo, own and run this fine casual spot. 

Carolina sits across the proverbial kitchen table to tell us how she and David met, were in restaurants in California long before marriage and parenthood. Their journey into parenthood led them to leap out of expensive San Francisco, and back to her family in the DC area. Her Dad owns Amano, a women’s boutique in Takoma Park.

The decision to come east was purely about parenthood, not restaurant ownership. As luck, and her father would have it, they are now restaurant owners, serving tacos, burritos, mezcal and tequila. It’s a tiny space, which is why we chose to interview her. To hear how they are able to handle demand, and continue to grow. Listen to hear how they are answering that question. 

Cielo Rojo’s website is a fantastic example of great information, while keeping their vibe in tact.

Cielo Rojo’s Instagram account