Jump into the conversation with Tim Riley and Dave Seel as they talk about Rainbow Unicorn, energy drink. We take off from there, with Tim, who talks about this new show, BigSommEnergy.

Those of us in the hospitality industry know that energy drinks have been ubiquitous! So Tim, who is a talented, knowledgeable sommelier has taken his skills in a new direction, and is just having fun!  How does anyone navigate caffeine, taste, flavor profile, and every other direction energy drinks can go. 

Jolt, Surge, Monster and Red Bull might be ones you know. You also might know terminology of wine tasting.  Tim takes his wine scoring in a completely hilarious direction!

Tim took his idea and put it on Tik Tok, and now has an active lively community within his 90K+ following. 

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Find Tim Riley on IG here and on Tik Tok here. Listen, learn and laugh.