In this episode, Luis speaks with Natasha Levinger - energy reader, healer, spiritual coach - about energy work, attunement, Spirit, grief, and more.

"What a spiritual experience it is to be in a body."

"Attunement is a beautiful thing. I was recently using it in an example of when we’re only attuning to others and not ourselves, that’s when it gets off balance. But attuning to people is also how we have empathy and how we connect and how we notice something’s off."

"I easily talk to people who aren’t in bodies anymore. I love doing that. When I was nine, I used to look at the obituaries and write down new friends to talk to. I’m very much not an Earth-based person, necessarily? But again, it’s maybe counterintuitive, but the more I got into my energy body in the present, the more I was able to be like, “Oh yeah, I can see why I want to be on Earth, I can see what’s special about Earth and what’s special about my body.”

"It’s the meaning that we attach to things that creates tension, or contraction, or makes us want to jump into someone else’s experience."

To follow Natasha's work or listen to her podcast, visit