Holistic Cancer treatment works with your body and not against it. Yes, chemotherapy can shrink tumors, but it destroys healthy cells in the process. It's better to treat the whole person with methods that cooperate with our body's design.

2:46 Why we need to be more natural.

7:32 Can traditional oncology and holistic integrative cancer care co-exist.

13:22 The dualistic principle of cancer treatment.

19:29 Going to war on cancer.

26:10 Intermittent fasting and cancer treatment.

31:11 How do you use hyperthermia in treatment?

36:37 What is the difference between niacin and Vitamin C?

41:33 The importance of faith in healing.

47:20 Connecting with others who have had the same cancer.

54:56 How to get in touch with Dr. Goodyear.

David's book The Christian's Guide to Holistic Health

Dr. Goodyear's personal website

Dr. Goodyear's clinic website