
Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed. We do audio, video, content creation, and that other stuff.

Today on Episode 8 of The Geoff & Jeffrey show, here are some of the things we are talking about:

Bandwidth issues on

Why new free services on the internet usually don't last too long.

William is snoring.

A new company on the stock exchange made 1.5 million last year, but at the same time lost 68 million. Not a good idea.

Comparision of America and Australian retirement plans.

Geoff is critical of his photography skills.

Jeffrey has around 800 images on an old Flickr account that found new life recently in blog posts.

Jeffrey made a huge audio recording mistake this week.

When you get a new mic, the old mic is suddenly not sounding so good.

The serious importance of wearing headphones when you record.

Getting a stereo signal on a live stream using mono mic output.

Armani in the chat room wondered about our audio and video setups.

Then Armani showed us what we look like on his TV.

Jeffrey's pick of the week, Dave Jackson of the School Of Podcasting

We hope you enjoy the show!


All things Geoff Blanchard can be found at

Jeffrey K. Holbrook's web site is at