Greetings! Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed. We do audio, video, content creation, and that other stuff.

Today on The Geoff & Jeffrey show , here are some of the things we are talking about:


The ease of using compared to other video streaming services. Geoff is experimenting with live YouTube streaming.

Jeffrey has the podcast version of Geoff & Jeffrey up and running!

Geoff also gave a fast version on the YouTube Video for those who have only a little time. hehehe!

Geoff got a new green screen to use with his Wirecast backgrounds.

89% of Americans think their photography is really good. The real problem is composition.

Advances in photography & video tech.

Geoff's favorite amusement parks are the Six Flags parks in the U.S.

Jeffrey uses his old photography for blog posts. One of his pics seems to be all over the internet as a symbol of corporate greed.

Price fluctuations and advertising ploys.

Upcoming changes on Twitter.

Differences in price and appointments of American and Japanese cars.

In the chat room, Evan says that the VW golf is solid as a German Metal Donkey.

Electric cars will become popular when they can be afforded by the average household.

No matter what good thing is done for the enviroment, SOMEBODY won't like it and will try to stop it.

Gun control in the U.S. and Australia.

Media bans for saying bad things against presidential candidates.

Jeffrey's pick for the week: Cinema Toast Crunch Podcast. A movie review podcast of movies, new and old. Great show. Garvis got 19 of 23 correct predictions for the Oscars. At Jeffrey's suggestion, they reviewed the movie Dune.


Jeffrey K. Holbrook can be found at

Geoff Blanchard is at