Breast buds or consciousness? ;)

It's Q + A Day!

OPENING: doTERRA Flash Sale happening March 22 + 23

LINKS MENTIONED: Dr Robin Fawcett on the “Essential Oils - good science vs click bait" video:

More info on the healthcare initiative doTERRA is putting in place so that proper research + education can continue to happen:

Robert Tisserand speaking to how bizarre it is for the media to report on research that isn’t even published yet:


Know your Strengths:

Class Script:

Schedule FB lives + show comments:

HOL:FIT on Instagram: http://www.instagram/com/hol_fit

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Essential Oil modules from doTERRA:

doTERRA blog for DIY recipes:


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Q1: Hey Ange - I was wondering if you could speak to the article floating around about essential oils cause breast buds to form in boys. It seems strange to me that people jump on to share fear around this when there are so many other areas within lifestyle to worry about.

Q2: Hi I am new to doTERRA & truly loving it! I am wanting to build my business but unsure the best way to move forwards.... how to explain doTERRA, what to do on first talking to people about it, how to run a class, what to do each day to be productive!

Q3: At the beginning ranks did you try and be everything for everyone and do you think if you acted the way you do now when you started it would've been less of a grind?

Q4: Loving this show so much!! My question is, what was your method when getting started with Doterra? Was there a script you used? I struggle with saying enough but not saying too much to confuse people, when and how often to follow up etc. Would love your insight!!

Q5: I'm just wondering how you approached (pre presidential diamond) or answered people when they are interested in oils and then you let them know you can help them to get started...and immediately they say ...negatively, "oh you sell this?" and you can tell the mood, energy shifts...I keep it positive, clarify without being aggressive on the "selling" part. I feel like I"m losing people here...I've even practiced and rehearsed on my husband...but would love to hear your approach..especially early on...and how you approach it now. Thanks

Q6: Hi Ange, I’m soaking up all the love and motivation and wisdom you have to offer. My question is, do your kids appreciate this about you? How do you invest all that you’ve learned into their lives? I’m completely aware that I have so much work to do on my mindset and I want to know how to raise my son to have a clear, purposeful, confident mind as he grows up so he can have as little baggage as possible. I don’t know how to do this! Thanks for keeping it so real.

Q7: First, thank you so much for pouring into this community. You’re truly a lighthouse for up-levers in health and leadership and I and my leaders are so grateful Wondering if you would share how you run your Essential 30 Cleanse Group for those of us who aren’t on your team. I would love to lead this type of group for my own customers and I’m curious how you keep inspiration up on the daily. Thank you so much!

Q8: How do you add the titles on your live video's?

Q9: Chris: what do you feel is your number one role as a husband support to your wife and her business, and were there any hurtles you had to overcome to be that support to her

Q10: Chris: What was the thing that made you join Ange and support her in the business?