Today I'm teaching you some practical ways to cleanse your lifestyle to welcome in a new season!

Welcome to HOL:FIT Talks!

A weekly LIVE show that initially streams on FB + Instagram on Wed @ 2pm EST and is then uploaded as a podcast.



The Beautiful Life Lab. It will launch December 1st and the last day to register will be December 10th. Click Here to be on the list: Process for when I’m in deep work and preparing for a launch We will be back Jan 9th with a Q + A episode

On Today’s Show: Today we are talking about 'trading in the anchors for your wings'

Moving into a new season with clarity, spaciousness and intention.

There are things + people  that are not meant to be brought into the next season. The tipping point Six questions to review to create space and release what is no longer serving you Practical ways to clear space + welcome in a new season

The most popular questions submitted for this week’s show:

Q1: How to organize space and get rid of junk! I live in a small rambler and I don’t have separate rooms for my office or work area. My family has great intentions on keeping areas organized but things turn into a hot mess within a day or two.


Q2: Hey Ange, I’ve heard you say that you’re really strict about getting on the phone, and also that how you enrol 8-10/month. How do you support these people? Do you do wellness consults (and how) and what’s the ongoing follow up? I would love be more streamlined so that I’m being more efficient but also effectively supporting my people. I have a lot of sharers but not many builders so a lot of the support is my role and as my business expands I’d love to not be spending all my “work time” on this. Would love some tips please 💕 (I’m a silver dōTERRA leader with 3 kids, aged 8, 4 and 3)


Q3: What would you suggest implementing for a mom running a doTERRA business and a full time job to control the chaos of life?


Q4: My upline doesn’t honour my boundaries and wants me to be busy constantly. I’ve talked to her about it with no results.


Q5: What if your spouse is what is heavy? I have been so focused on growth and he has been okay with being stuck and seems weirded out that I work on myself daily.


Q6: What is something you do to reverse engineer Your energy to do #HolfitTalks? I serve my clients and community with a show called #KTtv every Monday and I know it takes organization and sheer love to make it happen every week.


Q7: What do you recommend for working out at home when you are not a personal trainer? Can you get the best workout without all of the equipment at home.



Q8: What’s the cost of the lab and what date can we sign up until?



Congrats to the winners from the challenge issued on last week’s podcast!!


The Beautiful Life Lab: Productivity tools page of my Joseph Campbell HERO’S JOURNEY: Show notes here: HOL:FIT Approved Products: Clean Up My Mac tool for cleaning your hard drive


Join LIVE on Wed at 2pm EST: Essential oils at 25% off: Beautiful Life Lab: HOL:FIT Coaching Tools: HOL:FIT in your inbox: Music playlists: