🗒 On Today’s Show:

I’m talking about bottlenecks in life + business and questions to ask yourself to level up.


None in this episode but I do mention the beautiful life lab a few times - here’s the info on that program if you’re interested: www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelabdetails

🙋 Questions for levelling up:

Q1: What are all the areas of my life + business requiring my time right now?

Q2: What needs to go?

Q3: Where do I need help?

Q4: What needs to be optimized?

Q5: What needs to happen in order for that to happen?

Q6: What are my expectations right now?


Dump everything on your mind right now onto paper or a big whiteboard (aka the parking lot) and then ask yourself the questions above.


If you have a question or topic suggestion:www.hol-fit.com/podquestion

The Beautiful Life Lab:www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelab

Essential oils at 25% off: hol-fit.com/eostart

The Beautiful Life Lab: www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelabdetails

HOL:FIT Coaching Tools: http://www.hol-fit.com/tools

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