About Melissa Sherry:

Melissa Sherry is the VP of Social Care Integration at Unite Us and designs payment technology to increase funding for community programs. She holds an M.P.H and a Ph.D. from the Department of Health Policy and Management at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Things You’ll Learn:

Unite Us is building coordinated care networks to make sure individuals’ basic needs are met and their social care journey is achieved.Housing is an important social determinant in patients’ care in terms of access and quality.Determinants like access to electricity, food, and medication all work in a snowball effect.Unlike healthcare language, the language around social care is currently being standardized by projects like the Gravity Project and Unite Us.Unite Us is using technology, along with structured data, in order to allow referrals to be easily sent through its platform.Social needs affect outcomes across all different sectors, including healthcare.


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