About Stephen Hahn:

Stephen M. Hahn, M.D., is CEO-Partner of Flagship Pioneering and Chief Executive Officer of Harbinger Health. Steve joined Flagship in June 2021 as Chief Medical Officer of its Preemptive Health and Medicine Initiative, which is creating a new field that aims to protect, maintain, or improve people’s health before they get sick. Steve will continue as a strategic advisor to the Initiative.

Steve brings two decades of distinguished leadership in healthcare strategy, oncology medical practice, and translational/clinical research to this role. He served as the 24th U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner from 2019 to 2021, overseeing both COVID and non-COVID regulatory affairs, including therapeutics and vaccine development, devices, diagnostics, and clinical trials.

Steve focused his translational research efforts on evaluating the tumor microenvironment, signal transduction pathways involved in tumor response to therapies, and proton therapy. He has authored more than 220 peer-reviewed original research articles and has experience developing medical products.

Things You’ll Learn:

Harbinger's mission is to find diseases early, before symptoms arise, to improve treatment outcomes and save lives. Their focus on developing accessible and affordable diagnostics will revolutionize healthcare.Dr. Hahn’s insights into Harbinger's innovative blood test, leveraging machine learning and AI to detect specific genetic signatures of cancer in the bloodstream. This technology has the potential to revolutionize cancer screening and diagnosis.The importance of building trust in healthcare. Access to affordable and reliable testing is vital, and Harbinger is committed to making its technologies accessible to all, regardless of location or socioeconomic status.


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