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Welcome to episode 308 of Hit The Mic with The Stacey Harris.

All right guys. It's 308 and today we're going to talk about online summits. Humblebrag here. I get asked to do a lot of these online summits, virtual summits where an organizer brings together 5, 10, 15, 50, it just depends on the summit, experts in their industries and does video interviews, audio interviews, and then offers them sometimes for free, sometimes paid, but usually the ones I get asked to be a part of are a free short term thing and then there's a paid upgrade, so you can get the recordings or extended trainings or something like that.

Here's the deal. They're really common. I notice they're making a resurgence now. They had gone down a little bit in frequency, I noticed, for a while, and they seem to be coming back. They can be really valuable, both from a listener participant perspective as well as a host perspective, as well as a guest expert perspective. They can be, in some situations, so today I want to talk about if they're worth it or if they're a waste of time. I really want to talk about that in three ways. We're going to start with from a participant perspective, then we're going to talk about from a host perspective and then we're going to talk about it from a guest expert perspective because it really does have different checklists for each one on whether it's worth it for you or not.

I want you to realize that all of the things that I mention here, all of the things that I talk about in this space, these are my opinions and it's not the case of every summit, good or bad. Be cautious whenever you go into these situations where you're going to be partnering with someone, or where you're going to be learning from someone, or where you're going to be bringing people in because that is a representation of your brand. Remember to evaluate these situations on a case by case basis, but let's dive in. Cool?

Okay, so first we'll talk about as a participant, online summits, worth it or a waste of time? It depends. Yes, that's going to be the answer for all of them, but it depends. They can be worth it if, big if, you have the time and there's something specific you're trying to learn. I think in your first, I don't know, definitely in your first year, maybe in your first two or three years, depending on how you're moving through your business and what space you're in, it can be really easy to fall into a habit of literally saying "yes" to everything when it comes to learning. Every free program, every free opt-in, every free eBook, and maybe even a lot of paid programs and paid summits and paid downloads and things like that.

It can get really easy to be like, "I need to do all the things so that I can be successful because so and so is doing this and they're teaching so they must have it all figured out. I've got to do it. It's the only answer." I want you to really pullback on that because there legit is such a thing as too much information. There is absolutely such a thing as too much info and here's the deal. A lot of that information is useless not because it's bad information, not because the people who are teaching it are trying to pull one over on you, but because you spend so much time in this cycle of consumption that you're not taking action. Make sure that you are consuming information that's actually going to move you forward because you can take action on it.

Before you sign up for another online summit, make sur

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