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1,372 episodes - English - Latest episode: 8 days ago - ★★★★ - 234 ratings

The 'on this day in history' podcast, with a new episode every single day. Featuring historical events that range from the Roman Empire to the World Wide Web, HistoryPod proves that there is always something to be remembered 'on this day'. Written and presented by Scott Allsop, creator of the award-winning www.mrallsophistory.com

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13th October 1792: Cornerstone of the White House laid in Washington, D.C.

October 13, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The White House was built as part of the development of the Federal City – a national capital founded under the terms of the 1790 Residence ...

12th October 1915: British nurse Edith Cavell was executed by a German firing squad

October 12, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

British nurse Edith Cavell was executed by a German firing squad during the First World ...

11th October 1975: Saturday Night Live is broadcast for the first time

October 11, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Saturday Night Live was originally known as NBC’s Saturday Night to avoid any confusion with the ABC show Saturday Night Live with Howard ...

10th October 1903: Foundation of Women’s Social & Political Union, known as the Suffragettes

October 10, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Frustrated by the lack of progress made by the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies from whom the group had split, the WSPU soon became known for its militant and sometimes violent actions under the motto ‘Deeds, not ...

9th October 1410: The Prague Astronomical Clock first noted in a medieval document

October 09, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Known as the Orloj, the astronomical clock was designed and built by the Imperial clockmaker Mikuláš of Kadaň and Charles University professor Jan ...

8th October 1480: The Great Stand on the Ugra River by Ivan III

October 08, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Great Stand on the Ugra River marked the start of the decline of the Great ...

7th October 1949: The creation of East Germany, formally known as the German Democratic Republic

October 07, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The establishment of the GDR ensured that the division of Germany that had been implemented in 1945 was made ...

6th October 1981: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat assassinated by terrorists

October 06, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 6th October 1981 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group that was enraged by the peace treaty he had negotiated with ...

5th October 1962: James Bond and The Beatles each make their debut with Dr. No and Love Me Do

October 05, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Two cultural icons made their first appearance when Dr No, the first of the James Bond series of films, hit cinema screens on the same day as the Beatles released their debut single ‘Love Me ...

4th October 1936: The Battle of Cable Street took place in London’s East End

October 04, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Battle of Cable Street saw demonstrators block a march by Oswald Mosley’s British Union of ...

3rd October 1990: East and West Germany reunified when the German Democratic Republic joins with the Federal Republic of Germany

October 03, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

At midnight on 3 October the black, red and gold flag of West Germany was raised above the Brandenburg Gate which had previously divided the two ...

2nd October 1187: Saladin captures Jerusalem from the Crusaders after a lengthy siege

October 02, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

In return for the crusaders’ unconditional surrender, Saladin agreed that anyone who paid a ransom would be able to leave the city in ...

1st October 1928: The USSR introduces the first five-year plan under Joseph Stalin

October 01, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Although the targets were constantly revised to the point where they could never be achieved, the first five-year plan firmly set the USSR on the road to becoming a world ...

30th September 737: Umayyad Caliphate defeated in the Battle of the Baggage

September 30, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Battle of the Baggage saw the defeat of an army from the powerful Umayyad Caliphate by Turgesh ...

29th September 1789: Congress formally establishes the United States Army on the final day of its first session

September 29, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

President George Washington wrote to Congress, stating that the military was something on which the “honor, safety and well being of our Country so evidently and essentially ...

28th September 1066: William of Normandy lands in England

September 28, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

William, duke of Normandy, landed in England to begin the Norman ...

27th September 1590: Pope Urban VII dies, ending the the shortest papal reign in history

September 27, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The shortest papacy in history ended after just twelve days following the death of Pope Urban VII, shortly after he introduced Europe’s first smoking ...

26th September 1923: Gustav Stresemann of Germany ends passive resistance in the Ruhr

September 26, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Despite the anger from some Germans, Stresemann’s actions laid the foundation for the economic recovery that Germany experienced up until the onset of the Great ...

25th September 1956: Inauguration TAT-1, the first transatlantic telephone cable

September 25, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Known as Transatlantic No. 1 or TAT-1, the £120 million system actually consisted of two identical cables to allow transmission in each ...

24th September 1946: ‘Containment’ first suggested to President Truman in a report by Clark Clifford and George Elsey

September 24, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Truman later ordered all copies to be brought to him and locked away since the content was a serious threat to US-Soviet ...

23rd September 1974: BBC launches Ceefax, the world’s first teletext service

September 23, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Teletext was the dominant medium for accessing breaking news until the arrival of the World Wide ...

22nd September 1980: Start of the Iran-Iraq War that lasted on for nearly eight years

September 22, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The war persisted for nearly eight long and bloody years, leading to the deaths of an estimated half a million soldiers and the same number of ...

21st September 1915: Cecil Chubb, Stonehenge’s last private owner, wins it at auction

September 21, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Cecil Chubb became the last private owner of Stonehenge, having bought the Neolithic monument at ...

20th September 1835: The start of the Ragamuffin War

September 20, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Ragamuffin War began when Brazilian rebels in the southern province of Rio Grande do Sul captured Porto ...

19th September 1879: The Blackpool Illuminations turned on for the first time

September 19, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Illuminations at the British seaside resort of Blackpool were turned on for the first ...

18th September 1931: The Manchurian Crisis begins after Japanese forces bomb the South Manchuria Railway

September 18, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Chinese government appealed to the League of Nations for assistance, and the League promptly passed a resolution calling for the withdrawal of Japanese ...

17th September 1859: Joshua Norton declares himself Norton I, Emperor of the United States

September 17, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The San Francisco Bulletin printed his decree in full, sparking media interest that led to him becoming a celebrity in the ...

16th September 1955: Uprising that topples Juan Perón from power in Argentina begins

September 16, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Revolución Libertadora began in Argentina, resulting in the end of Juan Perón’s second term as ...

15th September 1935: Nazi Germany introduces the discriminatory ‘Nuremberg Laws’

September 15, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Nuremberg Laws enshrined anti-semitic discrimination in the legal framework of the country through two pieces of ...

14th September 1814: USA’s national anthem lyrics written as the poem “Defence of Fort M’Henry”

September 14, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 14th September 1814, the poem that was to provide the lyrics for the United States’ national anthem was written by 35 year-old Francis Scott ...

13th September 1985: Super Mario Bros. video game first released in Japan

September 13, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Originally only available for the Japanese Family Computer, it took nearly another two years for the game to be available ...

12th September 1977: Steve Biko dies of injuries sustained in police custody

September 12, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

South African anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko died in Pretoria prison from injuries inflicted while in police ...

11th September 1789: Alexander Hamilton appointed US Secretary of the Treasury

September 11, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Alexander Hamilton was made the first United States Secretary of the Treasury by President George ...

10th September 1989: Hungary allows East Germans to cross the border into Austria

September 10, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Hungary had been inundated with East Germans since the government began removing the border fence in ...

9th September 1956: Elvis Presley makes his first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show

September 09, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Elvis Presley appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show, the USA’s most popular television show, for the first ...

8th September 1941: Start of the Siege of Leningrad

September 08, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Siege of Leningrad, one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history, ...

7th September 1497: Perkin Warbeck claims he is English King Richard IV during the Second Cornish Uprising

September 07, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Warbeck had convinced his followers that he was Richard, Duke of York, the younger of the two ‘Princes in the ...

6th September 1522: Victoria becomes the first ship to circumnavigate the world

September 06, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The ship Victoria returned to Spain as the only survivor of Ferdinand Magellan’s fleet that circumnavigated the ...

5th September 1793: The Reign of Terror begins in France

September 05, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Reign of Terror began in France when Bertrand Barère, a member of the Committee of Public Safety, made a speech in favour of it that ended with the exclamation, “Let's make terror the order of the ...

4th September 1957: Nine Black students denied entry to Little Rock High School in Arkansas

September 04, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Little Rock Crisis gained national attention, and was only resolved when President ...

3rd September 1783: Treaty of Paris ends the American Revolutionary War

September 03, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Treaty of Paris, which ended the American Revolutionary War, was signed by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of ...

2nd September 31 BCE: Marc Antony and Cleopatra defeated by Octavian at the Battle of Actium

September 02, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

Octavian defeated the combined forces of Marc Anthony and Cleopatra at the Battle of ...

1st September 1939: Nazi Germany invades Poland, triggering the Second World War

September 01, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 1st September 1939, German forces invaded Poland in a move that was to trigger the Second World ...

31st August 1888: Discovery of the first victim of Jack the Ripper in London

August 31, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 31st August 1888, Mary Ann Nichols – commonly known as Polly – became the first confirmed victim of Jack the Ripper in the Whitechapel area of ...

29th August 1949: USSR conducts its first atomic bomb test

August 29, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 29th August 1949, the Soviet Union successfully detonated its first nuclear weapon codenamed RDS-1 and nicknamed First ...

26th August 1346: The longbow helps Edward III win the Battle of Crécy

August 26, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 26th August 1346, one of the most decisive battles in the Hundred Years War was won by the army of the English king Edward ...

25th August 1944: Paris liberated from Nazi control

August 25, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 25th August 1944, the Nazi German garrison in Paris surrendered the city to the ...

23rd August 1939: Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop

August 23, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On 23rd August 1939, Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop – the Soviet foreign minister and the German foreign minister – signed the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, otherwise known as the Nazi-Soviet ...

20th August 1968: Warsaw Pact troops invade to end the Prague Spring

August 20, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

At around 11pm on the 20th August 1968, troops from the USSR, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary entered Czechoslovakia in an invasion that brought the Prague Spring to an ...

19th August 1991: August Coup places Gorbachev under house arrest

August 19, 2021 02:05 - 1 Byte

On the 19th August 1991 Mikhail Gorbachev, the President of the Soviet Union, was placed under house arrest in what is known as the August ...