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The 'on this day in history' podcast, with a new episode every single day. Featuring historical events that range from the Roman Empire to the World Wide Web, HistoryPod proves that there is always something to be remembered 'on this day'. Written and presented by Scott Allsop, creator of the award-winning www.mrallsophistory.com

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27th November 1095: Pope Urban II launches the First Crusade with a speech at the Council of Clermont

November 27, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

No accurate record exists of how many people responded to Pope Urban II's call, but estimates suggest anywhere between 60,000 and 100,000 people joined the First ...

26th November 1976: Sex Pistols release the punk single ‘Anarchy in the UK’

November 26, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The Damned had released what is recognised as the first ever punk single a month ...

25th November 1936: Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact

November 25, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Although directed against the Communist International, the organisation that sought to create a worldwide communist republic, the Anti-Comintern Pact was in reality against the Soviet ...

24th November 1859: Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species, considered by many to be the foundation of evolutionary biology

November 24, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Darwin’s book presented evidence for the process of natural selection, and its publication sparked a seismic shift in the study of ...

23rd November 1889: The nickel-in-the-slot phonograph – the world’s first jukebox

November 23, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The world's first ‘Nickel-In-The-Slot Phonograph’ introduced the concept of the jukebox to the ...

22nd November 1963: President John F. Kennedy fatally shot at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas

November 22, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

When Kennedy's motorcade was barely five minutes away from its destination, gunshots rang out as it passed the Texas School Book ...

21st November 1974: The Birmingham pub bombings kill 21 people and injure 182

November 21, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

21 people were killed and 182 were injured in the Birmingham pub ...

20th November 1945: The first of the Nuremberg Trials begin in the aftermath of the Second World War

November 20, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Organised by the Allies to bring senior Nazis to justice for their part in the war crimes committed by the regime, t first Nuremberg Trial lasted for almost a ...

19th November 1863: Abraham Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Pennsylvania

November 19, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Opening with the famous line ‘Four score and seven years ago,’ Lincoln made the 2-minute speech to an assembled crowd of approximately 15,000 people including six separate state ...

18th November 1987: 31 people killed in the Kings Cross fire on the London Underground

November 18, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The worst fire in the history of the London Underground killed 31 people at Kings Cross St Pancras ...

17th November 1558: Elizabeth I succeeds her half-sister Mary to become Queen of England

November 17, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn and, despite being declared illegitimate following the annulment of her parents’ marriage, came to the throne as the next in line behind her Catholic half-sister under the terms of the Third Act of ...

16th November 1990: Milli Vanilli stripped of Grammy Award for not singing on their album

November 16, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

German pop duo Milli Vanilli were stripped of the Grammy Award for Best New Artist after it emerged that they did not sing any of the vocals on their debut ...

15th November 1969: 500,000 people march on Washington in the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam

November 15, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Over 500,000 protesters marched on Washington D.C. as part of the national Moratorium to End the War in ...

14th November 1990: Margaret Thatcher’s fifteen year leadership of the British Conservative Party challenged by Michael Heseltine

November 14, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Thatcher became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom following the General Election of 1979 but by the late 1980s her popularity, along with that of her party, was ...

13th November 1002: English King Æthelred the Unready ‘ordered slain all the Danish men who were in England’ in what became known as the Saint Brice’s Day Massacre

November 13, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

While it is believed that there was considerable loss of life, actual numbers of Danes who were killed in the St Brice's Day Massacre are ...

12th November 1927: Leon Trotsky expelled from the Communist Party of the USSR

November 12, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Trotsky had been a key figure in the Bolshevik Revolution of ...

11th November 1918: WW1 Armistice of Compiègne is signed

November 11, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

On the 11th November 1918, fighting on the First World War’s Western Front ended when representatives from the Allies and Germany signed the Armistice of ...

10th November 1969: Sesame Street broadcast for the first time on American television

November 10, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Sesame Street was first conceived in 1966 as a way to provide low-income, inner-city children with an educational foundation ready for when they began formal ...

9th November 1918: Wilhelm II abdicates as Kaiser of Germany

November 09, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated as German Emperor and King of Prussia after the German Revolution took ...

8th November 1520: The Stockholm Bloodbath begins under Denmark’s Christian II

November 08, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Christian II had invaded Sweden in an attempt to preserve the Kalmar Union that joined the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Sweden and Norway under a single ...

7th November 1492: Oldest meteorite with a known date of impact

November 07, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The oldest meteorite with a known date of impact crashed into a wheat field outside the Alsatian town of ...

6th November 1975: The Sex Pistols play their first gig at St Martin’s College of Art in London

November 06, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The Sex Pistols supported pub rock band Bazooka Joe and played a few cover songs on equipment borrowed from the headliners, but the plug was pulled after twenty ...

5th November 1940: President Roosevelt elected for an unprecedented third term

November 05, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected for an unprecedented third term as President of the United ...

4th November 1979: Iran hostage crisis begins when Iranian students storm the American Embassy in Tehran

November 04, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The students seized 66 hostages, 14 of whom were released before the end of the crisis. The other 52 hostages were held for 444 ...

3rd November 1534: English Parliament passes the Act of Supremacy

November 03, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The Parliament of England passed the First Act of Supremacy which made Henry VIII the head of the Church of ...

2nd November 1868: New Zealand becomes the first country to use standardised time

November 02, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Prior to the adoption of universally accepted time zones, the vast majority of settlements around the world observed local mean solar ...

1st November 1911: World’s first aerial bombing by Italian Lieutenant Giulio Gavotti on Turkish troops in Libya

November 01, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Although nobody was injured during Italy's attack, the Ottoman Empire complained that aerial bombing contravened the Hague ...

31st October 1517: Martin Luther reputedly nails his Ninety-five Theses to a church door in Wittenberg, laying the foundations of the Protestant Reformation

October 31, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

Martin Luther’s particular concern was the Catholic church's practice of selling indulgences with a promise that a buyer’s sins would be ...

30th October 1961: The Tsar Bomba detonated by the USSR

October 30, 2022 03:05 - 1 Byte

The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful explosive weapon ever created, was detonated by the ...

29th October 1618: Sir Walter Raleigh beheaded for treason against James I in the Main Plot

October 29, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

Raleigh had been found guilty of treason for his involvement in the Main Plot that sought to depose Elizabeth’s successor James I and replace him with his cousin Arabella ...

28th October 1971: Prospero, the only British satellite launched with a British rocket

October 28, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Prospero satellite was launched, making it the first and only British satellite to be launched using a British ...

27th October 1960: American singer Ben E. King records the renowned song ‘Stand By Me’

October 27, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

'Stand By Me' went on to be voted one of the Songs of the Century by the Recording Industry Association of ...

26th October 1881: The gunfight at the O.K. Corral involving Wyatt Earp

October 26, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

The gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place between the Earp brothers and a gang of outlaws in Tombstone, ...

25th October 1415: English king Henry V defeats the numerically superior French army at the Battle of Agincourt

October 25, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

Over 8,000 French troops are estimated to have been killed in the Battle of Agincourt, while the English army’s losses under Henry V were less than ...

24th October 1926: Harry Houdini performs his final show despite suffering from acute appendicitis

October 24, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

World-renowned escapologist Harry Houdini performed his final show in Detroit while suffering from ...

23rd October 1911: Italian Carlo Piazza pilots the first aircraft to be used in war

October 23, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

Piazza made history’s first reconnaissance flight when he observed the Turkish lines from a Blériot XI ...

22nd October 1895: Granville–Paris Express train crashes through a wall at the Gare Montparnasse railway station

October 22, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Granville–Paris Express train ran across the station platform, crashed through a 60cm wall, and fell 10 metres to the street below after it overran the buffer stop at the Gare Montparnasse ...

21st October 1966: 144 people killed in the Aberfan disaster after a colliery spoil tip collapses

October 21, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

At 9.15am on the 21st October 1966, 116 children and 28 adults were killed when a colliery spoil tip above the Welsh village of Aberfan ...

20th October 1935: The 6,000 mile Long March by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China ends when the troops led by Mao Zedong arrive in Shaanxi

October 20, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

It was during the Long March that Mao Zedong emerged as the best person to lead the Chinese Communist Party, and his survival alongside less than 10% of the original troops mythologised him and reinforced his ...

19th October 202 BCE: Roman Republic defeats Carthage at the Battle of Zama

October 19, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

After seventeen years, the Second Punic War was finally brought to an end with the decisive victory of the Roman general and consul Scipio Africanus over Hannibal at the Battle of ...

18th October 1922: The British Broadcasting Company established

October 18, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

The new broadcasting company was a consortium of the UK’s leading radio manufacturers, and was jointly funded through a royalty on the sale of radio sets sold by the member producers and a license ...

17th October 1814: London Beer Flood kills eight people when nearly one and a half million litres of beer sweep out of the Horse Shoe Brewery

October 17, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

Once the beer began to pour into the street, it quickly began to fill the cellars of nearby houses in which families lived, killing eight ...

16th October 1846: First public demonstration of ether anaesthesia

October 16, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

The first well-publicised public demonstration of inhaled ether anaesthesia was given at the Massachusetts General ...

15th October 1764: Edward Gibbon first considers The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

October 15, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

Gibbon’s six volume history traces the collapse of the Roman Empire from the rule of the Five Good Emperors until the end of ...

14th October 1962: U-2 spy plane captures images of Cuban missile sites

October 14, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

A U-2 spy plane captured images of the construction of a missile site on Cuba, triggering the Cuban Missile ...

13th October 54: The Roman Emperor Claudius dies, supposedly after being poisoned

October 13, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

Ancient sources state that the Emperor Claudius as poisoned, although who administered the poison - and on whose orders - continues to be fiercely debated by ...

12th October 1810: First Oktoberfest takes place in Munich to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig to Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen

October 12, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

The decision to repeat a horse race from the original celebration the following year led to the establishment of the annual festival at which beer halls and carnival stalls soon began to ...

11th October 1521: King Henry VIII of England given the title Defender of the Faith by Pope Leo X

October 11, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

The Pope granted the Latin title Fidei defensor to Henry after he published a book in which he defended Catholic doctrine against the criticisms levelled at it by Martin Luther in his Ninety-five Theses during the early stages of the Protestant ...

10th October 1957: Eisenhower apologises to Ghanaian minister for racism in Delaware restaurant

October 10, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologised to Ghanaian finance minister Komla Agbeli Gbedemah after he was refused service in a Delaware ...

9th October 1967: Execution of Marxist revolutionary icon Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara in Bolivia

October 09, 2022 02:05 - 1 Byte

Guevara was shot nine times in a way designed to make the injuries look like they had been caused during a battle with the Bolivian ...