You can find quotes in most places these days, on cards, shirts, magnets, hanging in offices or you may even have one hanging over your fire place. In this episode, we explore some of the most famous historical quotes from "Let them eat cake!" to "When going through hell, keep going." and we also do some fact checking as to whether the famous people they're attributed to actually said them.  We also take a look into the times and circumstances in which they may (or may not) have been said because in the words of Yogi Berra, "I really didn't say everything I said."

Episode Resources:

Farnsworth's Classical English Rhetoric by Ward Farnsworth

Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser

Fart Proudly: A Letter to a Royal Academy by Benjamin Franklin

Churchill By Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations by Richard Langworth

All About Eve starring Bette Davis

Bette Davis on The Sexes - Interview with Shirley Eder

Quote Investigator - Website by Garson O'Toole