If you've listened to me speak about emerging professionals and mentoring you probably know I have strong feels about creating space and how we as a profession should welcome new folks.  Academic and heritage spaces can be intimidating for new professionals, first generation folks, and marginalized people.  This episode tackles how we can take a more active approach to kindness and gratitude in our work.  How can academic spaces be spaces of radical kindness? How can we do a better job of recognizing and supporting the work of others? How can we be kinder to ourselves?

I would love to hear how other folks practice gratitude and kindness in their work, leave a comment or send me a message on Twitter.

Mentioned in this episode:
-Anna St.Onge tweet on acknowledging archival labour
-You've Got This Podcast Episode 71: Expressing Gratitude
-Kelly J. Baker, "Cruelty and Kindness in Academia"
-Academic Kindness Postcard Exchange

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