In this podcast episode, we feature Elie Wiesel and his speech “The Perils of Indifference”.

Mr. Wiesel was a Jewish writer, professor, and Holocaust survivor of the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. He spent his life sharing the story of the concentration camps so people would not forget the Holocaust and advocated for ending of genocides occurring today. Much more information is available in the accompanying PDF document with his life story. The speech you are about to hear had been given many times around the world. This time it was given to President Clinton and other leaders and urged them to take action with today’s genocides. Indifference is not an option.

This podcast is part of the LifePodcast Network which is a group of family-friendly podcasts bringing a positive message of hope and inspiration. Check out the LifePodcast Network at

This audio recording comes the American Rhetoric online database. This website provides more than 5,000 speech transcripts, audio recordings, and videos of public speeches, sermons, lectures, interviews, and more. Checkout the website at 

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