I thought you would enjoy a short archival film newsreel of the D-Day landing. I was preparing some upcoming history lessons for my students and ran across this public domain item. It fits our purpose for historic voices, in this case it is the voice of the narrator recorded at that time with the film footage. I will include these newsreel items when I can find appropriate public domain items that relate to the topic of the previous speech episode.

Let me know what you think of these occasional short video episodes. I also received feedback about shortening the introductions to this podcast and also the Paul Harvey Podcast. With this podcast, I had Nicole shorten her introduction and I will do the same. I will move some of my previous introductory comments and place that after the speech recording so you can decide whether to listen to them. I will still keep them to a few minutes and continue to include followup episodes with PDF documents that provide additional information for those that are interested. I guess is is the history teacher in me coming through with that addition. Send email to [email protected]