
最終回(通算7回目)の今回は"Men and Women"をテーマに、男女間に起こるさまざまな出来事についての話題を選びました。好きな女性のことでお悩み中の男の子、イケメンチェックに励む女子、さらには恋多き最低男まで、さまざまな男女のドラマ(?)を、どうかお楽しみください!

Image credit: TanteTati via Pixabay Public Domain CC0.

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(初級〜中級)1. やさしい英語会話 (224) Girl-Boy Relations and the Cuban Missile Crisis

M: Hey Rachel, can I ask you something real quick?

W: Sure, Kento, what is it?

M: Well, there's this girl I have a crush on… and I think she likes me, but I'm not sure because sometimes she acts so weird!

W: OK, what makes you think she likes you? And what do you mean by "weird"? Remember, girls are the most complex creatures that ever existed! You could spend a lifetime studying their ways and still know next to nothing.

M: I mean, the way she looks at me sometimes, and how she giggles at what I say, and sometimes she offers me gum!... And, I mean, weird because sometimes she'll act like I'm invisible to her! It's the most stressful thing to have happened since the Cuban Missile Crisis…

W: I'm pretty sure the Cuban Missile Crisis was WAY more stressful than not knowing whether a girl likes you or not! Ha ha! But, don't worry about it too much. Girls like guys who act like they don't care… like they're "too cool".

M: But I'm NOT cool. I'm a nerd! I own every gaming console that ever was!

W: Some girls like nerdy guys. But really, though, the fact that she giggles and offers you gum doesn't mean she likes you! Is it possible at all she just thinks you have bad breath…?

M: Ah! I wish I could set up a direct line between us, like Kennedy and Khrushchev did in the crisis.

W: It would be too funny if you two had a red phone that flashes in lights when you call it.

M: Hey, that would be pretty cool…

W: Oh Kento, you ARE a nerd.

M: Hey, are you going to help me, or are you just going to make fun of me!

W: Oh, don't worry! It's not so hard. Like I told you: just be cool, act like you don't care, and maybe, eventually, you can install a pretty red, flashing phone between the two of you! Haha!

(Written by Humberto)

2. やさしい英語会話 (214) Appreciating Men

Scene: Sitting in a cafe talking

W: Oooh… HE looks nice.

M: Hey, are you checking that guy out?

W: Well, yeah. I mean, look at him! He's gorgeous!

M: Wait. I thought that women didn't do things like that because… you should be reserved, or something.

W: Oh, please! Women appreciate an attractive man when they see him just as much as men appreciate an attractive woman when they see one. Women just know how to be discreet about it, because nobody likes to be leered at.

M: Come on now. Men don't always leer at beautiful women, do they?

W: Not always, no. But sometimes you guys just don't realize that there's a way to check out a girl without her feeling like an object.

M: Is that really even possible? Isn't the entire concept of checking a person out based on good looks and beauty?

W: No! If you go after girls only because they're beautiful, then I think the girls should run away from you. Brains are more important than beauty!

M: What? Don't you think that's a bit extreme?

W: Not at all.

M: Well then, why don't all girls run away when we compliment them?

W: Because everyone likes to be complimented every once in a while; it's human nature, right?

M: So what makes the way that you check out guys any different from the way that I check out girls?

W: Simple. I only appreciate their attractiveness for a second, and then go back to what I was doing before I saw them. I don't stare pointedly at them for a good five minutes before moving on to the next one.

M: Is that what men do?

(Written by Lauren DeCosta)

3. やさしい英語会話 (166) True Love

W: That movie was great, wasn't it?

M: Oh, I do love how it combined super-duper expensive visuals with light humor. "But first, we need to get high." There's awkward pause. "No-no, I mean, really high" - and then they've climbed a skyscraper.

W: It was an awesome moment. Anyway, we should go next week too, to see the one with several super-heroes in it.

M: Cool, I'm in. Although all these stunning visuals make my head a bit empty. A Korean arthouse movie, maybe? For the sake of feeling great and snobbish?

W: Anything is fine, as long as we're together.

M: Oh, that's why I keep saying those ridiculous words to you.

W: What words? I'm a simpleton and know little of those "words." Do tell me.

M: Ha-ha, OK, but just once. "I really, really fancy you, Sarah".

W: You're making such a silly face, when you're saying it!

M: Hey, that face is the only one I have. And now it feels offended.

W: Oh, please don't be, silly face. ‘Cause I do fancy you too.

M: Ah! Oh no!

W: An unexpected response, but oh well.

M: No… Oh no... I've lost my key for my bike!

W: Did you check all of your pockets?

M: I sure did. Listen, why don't you go ahead, and buy something for dinner. I'll go back and look for the key in the cinema.

W: Hmm... OK, I guess. Give me a call when you find it.

M: Of course. OK, catch you later!

(Phone dialing)

M: Hello, Daria, sweetie? It's me. I've called as soon as I could. Late night research - you know, hard work, lots of coffee, stars greeting you when you leave the lab... I just wanted to say that I really, really fancy you...

W: Hey, it's Sarah, you lowly cheater. Never call me again, got it? And check your speed dial settings, for Christ's sake.

(Written by Dmitry Mamchur)

4. やさしい英語会話 (142) Checking Out Guys

W1: Hey girl, what are you doing?

W2: It's kind of embarrassing, but to be honest, I was just sitting here checking out guys! Want to join?

W1: Checking out guys? Are you looking to meet someone?

W2: Not particularly! I'm just enjoying the afternoon and the eye-candy! C'mon, it's fun!

W1: Ha ha. This will be interesting! Anyone good-looking walk by yet?

W2: Yeah, you just missed a guy who cleaned-up really nice in a suit.

W1: Ooh, is that your type? The serious, strong type?

W2: Well, I don't really have a type, I guess. I like guys based off the vibe I get when talking to them.

W1: Have you talked to any of them yet?

W2: No, not yet.

W1: Alright, what about THAT guy. The one with the hat on?

W2: He's not bad, but he looks more fashionable than I am! I couldn't handle always being around someone like that. Too much pressure!

W1: OK, what about him?

W2: The guy with the jean jacket? Yeah, he's really good-looking. I like his curly hair!

W1: So, why are you checking out guys and not talking to them? I mean, they'd probably appreciate having a cute girl walk up to them and start a conversation.

W2: Think of it as window-shopping! Window-shopping means that I'm looking at what's for sale, but it doesn't exactly mean I'll be buying the merchandise! Just because I don't talk to them doesn't mean I can't appreciate their good looks!!

(Written by Hannah Klein)