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聞き手:Joe Lauer(広島大学外国語教育研究センタ―)



*エントリーの「スクリプトを見る」をクリックすると、番組内で使われている表現を見ることができます(スクリプトは表示されません)。France and North Carolina

North Carolina

= a large state south of Virginia, north of South Carolina, and east of Tennessee

a major

= 専攻

to double-major in

= to have two majors in two different fields

a minor

= 副専攻


= Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages


= (はっきりした目的・計画のない)手当たり次第の

an instruction manual

= 説明書

a region

= an area


= a bit, a little


= the weather

The Alps

= the mountains in eastern France

The Pyrenees

= the mountains in southwestern France, on the Spanish border

The Mediterranean

= 地中海


= much (Note: This is used a lot in conversation)

to coast

= the shore


= flat areas

to the far west of

= in the extreme western part of

a personality

= 性格

to revolve around

= to center upon

a redneck

= 米南部の無教育の白人労働者(しばしば軽蔑)

in and of themselves

= かれら自体は

a class (of people)

= 階級


= it seems like

dirt bikes

= small off-road motorcycles

to shoot

= to hunt

to be associated with

= to be linked to, to be connected to


= 人種差別的


= friendly toward people from different races

Latin America

= Central and South America

the Immigrant Crisis

= the news during the last couple of years in which people, especially from Syria, have run away to Europe

the descendents of nobles

= 貴族の末裔

to be open-minded

= to be accepting and tolerant of other people and ideas (Note: the opposite is “close-minded”)

soul food

= traditional African American food such as chitterlings (pig intestines), ham hocks (pork leg joints), and collard greens (dark green leaves)

a biscuit

= similar to a roll

to be heavy on

= having a lot of, or thick with

a blockbuster

= a large, expensive and successful movie

the influence of

= の影響


= strange


= the words in songs


= truly, completely


= completely

to be prominent

= stands out, widespread

5 miles

= about 8 kms

a grocery store

= a food store

a sidewalk

= (舗装した)歩道

a million-dollar question

= the most important question

every-day living

= daily life

a barrier

= an obstacle, 障害物