

聞き手:Joe Lauer(広島大学外国語教育研究センタ―)



Image credit (Alamo, San Antonio): Muhgcee~commonswiki via Wikimedia. CC0 Public Domain.

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Texas and Homeschooling


= a huge state in the southern part of the US, on the Mexican boarder

to be homeschooled

= to learn most things at home instead of school

a traditional school

= a regular school


= (Note: This is the "habitual past experience" would -- used when talking about something in the past which was done often, but is not done anymore.)

to be gifted

= to be extremely intelligent or talented from a young age

an opportunity

= a chance、機会

whenever you please

= whenever you want

extracurricular activities

= 課外活動

an option

= a choice


= やる気がある

to be in charge of

= to be the boss of, to have responsibility for

a self-starter

= a person who can do things by his/herself

to procrastinate

= to delay, postpone or put off doing things

on (one's) own

= by (one's) self

a specialist

= 専門家

to pursue

= to go to try to get, to go after, to investigate


= becoming a person who can communicate well and get along with other people in society

to miss out on

= to not experience

a detriment to

= a weak point, a problem, a handicap for


= relatively, 比較的に、かなり

Houston, Austin, Dallas, and Fort Worth

= the biggest cities

all over

= everywhere

The Alamo

= a large religious building which resembled a fort. In 1836, Americans and Mexicans had a big battle there because both countries wanted the area. About 200 Americans in the building were surrounded by about 2,000 Mexican soldiers. In the end, almost all of the Americans were killed and lost the battle, but they became heroes because they did not give up. Today "Remember the Alamo!" is a famous expression in American culture.

a mission

= a group of people (often religious) sent to another country to achieve a goal

San Antonio

= a city in southern Texas, famous during the last 20 years for having a strong National Basketball Association team

to take place

= to occur


= (Note: This "would" is imagining something in the future. Example: "Why would someone want to go there?")

bravery = courage

to be slaughtered

= to be killed completely or without mercy

to stand as a testament to

= to exist as evidence for

The Gulf of Mexico

= the part of the Caribbean Sea, stretching from Mexico to Florida

Dealey Plaza

= the place when Kennedy was assassinated


= 以前の

John F. Kennedy

= the US president from 1961-1963. Famous for active government policies, the Cuban Missile Crisis, encouraging the mission to go to the moon, and other things.

a memorial

= 記念碑

dedicated to

= in remembrance of, to pay respect to

an accomplishment = an achievement


= now

NASA in Houston

= the Mission Control Center. Space missions are launched from Florida, but they are mostly controlled from Houston.

to be headed

= to be centered or based

a decade

= a 10-year time period


= varied, having different characteristics


= from Central and South America

an ethnicity

= a race, 人種


= to some extent, kind of, moderately, pretty


= from the north African country of Ethiopia

a State Fair

= an annual festival, in all states, usually in the summer

a competition

= an event to determine a winner


= crazy

ice cream Snickers

= a famous chocolate bar made like ice cream


= sometimes, once in a while, from time to time