
聞き手:Joe Lauer(広島大学外国語教育研究センタ―)

Image credit (Kuakata Beach): Happiest_persoN via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0.



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(16:08 7.9MB 中級~上級)+++この番組で使われている主な表現(Good Tourist Places in Bangladesh and Indonesia)+++

one at a time

= one by one, one after another

Cox's Bazar

= the world's longest natural sandy beach (125 kms)


= not interrupted by towns, private lands, etc.

is not available

= is not found


= the capital of Bangladesh


= a city in eastern Bangladesh, near Cox's Bazar and Myanmar


= an Indonesian island with a lot of Hindu culture. Also famous for scuba diving and beaches.

Sanur Beach

= a Bali beach with nearby hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers


= a dance in Bali almost always performed by men. It's also called the Ramayana Monkey Chant, because it's related to monkeys and a famous battle.

Kuakata Beach

= a wide sandy beach on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh. People can see the sunrise and sunset over the ocean on the same day.

an opportunity

= a chance, a possibility

a mechanism

= a system or way something is done. (Note: When Asif talks about "a communication mechanism", he is referring to transportation.)

an approach

= a way of doing things

Bogor Botanical Gardens

= a huge and beautiful garden near Jakarta, featuring many unique plants, trees, birds and bats.

Rafflesia Arnoldi

= the world's largest flower. Originated on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. Nicknamed "the corpse flower" because it has a bad smell. It does not have roots.


= a gigantic mangrove forest on the coastline, near the Indian border. It's a World Heritage Site. Tigers are protected here.

10,000 square kilometers

= a little over half the size of Shikoku


= a city in southwest Bangladesh

a launch

= a motor boat with no roof

a steamer

= Also called a steamboat. Steam turns propellers or paddle wheels.


= the third largest city in Indonesia, with a population about the same as Osaka Prefecture (8,600,000). The area is especially known for interesting volcanoes and buildings.


= related to cooking and food

5-star quality

= the best, excellent

the currency

= the money used in the country

The Dhaka-Chittagong Highway

= this is the main road in Bangladesh, from the capital to near the Myanmar border. It is basically one lane in each direction.


= 材料


= one of the main Indonesian islands


= a cloth with beautiful patterns. Worn by men and women, it is often wrapped around the hip.

a sari

= a long cloth worn by women, especially in traditional India and Bangladesh. It is also wrapped around the waist but extends over a shoulder. In Bangladesh, it's usually spelled “sharee.”

the Indian subcontinent

= Mostly on the Indian Plate, it is usually defined as the countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan.