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これから友人夫妻の家にお出かけする夫婦の会話。タイトルの”Nothing to wear”はどのような意味で使われているのでしょうか。ちょっと際どい会話ですが、どうぞお楽しみください!



*** It's a Good Expression ***


What’s the difference?

どうでもいい(It doesn’t matter.)

The Browns


You have a full wardrobe of clothes






art exhibition


I’m all dressed well.




I can’t take this anymore.




*** Script ***

Nothing to Wear

A husband and a wife are going to visit friends. A woman is searching for a suitable outfit. The man is ready to go, and is impatiently waiting for her.

W: (looking through her dresses) No, no, no, hm… not this one… Dear, maybe this one?

M: What’s the difference? It doesn’t matter. The Browns invited us for seven o’clock… We’ve got only 10 minutes. No more time!

W: And I have nothing to wear to The Browns!?...

M: You have nothing to wear? You have a full wardrobe of clothes!

W: The Browns have already seen me wearing all this stuff!

M: Well, what’s wrong with this outfit? I think it’s new…

W: The thing you call “an outfit”… I’ve been to the theatre wearing it, and Mrs. Brown saw me there! So I won’t wear this one!

M: What about this one? Black with flowers—good, in my opinion!

W: Last month I went to an art exhibition, and there was Mr. Brown’s sister. She saw me wearing this!

M: Ah! Every time we go somewhere we have the same problem. I’m all dressed well, and I have to wait for you to choose a dress?

W: Because I want to be unforgettable for everyone, and always be fashionable! So, let’s continue searching for some appropriate clothes…

M: Ah! I can’t take this anymore. You have nothing to wear? You can go naked! I don’t care what you wear, and nobody cares!

W: Oh, hey, that’s a good option… but Mr. Brown already saw me like that…

M: (shocked voice) Whaaat?

W: Oh, nothing, nothing. Never mind... Hey, this jacket looks good too!

(Written by Andrei Goncharov)