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*** It's a Good Expression ***


as far as



remind [人] of〜







Closer to the subject of the gift, please.





(a) brilliant






*** Script ***

A Gift for International Women’s Day, March 8th

Situation: A wife and a husband are seated and eat their dinner. There are candles, a cake, and a couple of bottles of wine.

M: Hey, today is March 8th. Do you know it’s International Women’s Day? It’s a very important day!

W: Oh, International Women’s Day!?

M: And as far as this day is important for me… I want to give YOU a gift… a gift which will remind you of my inextinguishable love for you…

W: Wow. Now I AM intrigued…

M: And even after my death…

W: Closer to the subject of the gift, please..

M: … this gift will be invaluable for you, always!

W: Oh no, I don’t believe… Could it be… Is it what I was dreaming about?

M: Yes!

W (haven’t opened the box yet): Oh my goodness, is it really a brilliant?

M: Wait, don’t open it yet!

W: Is it a brilliant??

M: Yes. Yes, it is! But don’t open it yet. And do you know what a brilliant is?

W: Well, it’s a kind of diamond?

M: Yes. And what exactly is a diamond? What kind of stone?

W: Um, I don’t know, don’t remember…

M: A diamond is a piece of graphite which was stored millions and millions of years under pressure… And now, please, open your gift.

W (opens the box): Oh my god… Hey, it’s a pencil?!

M: Yes. A GRAPHITE pencil. And some time, in the future, it will definitely become the thing that you were dreaming about so much, it will become a real brilliant! Happy International Women’s Day, my love. Please live a million years!

(Written by Andrei Goncharov)