JoeとAkariがお届けする「アメリカ探究の旅〜イングリッシュポッドキャスト・英語を学ぶはじめの一歩〜」(Adventure in America)の第31回目です。少し英語が苦手!という皆さんを対象にした、長さもレベルも聞きやすい番組です。しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。


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※毎月第2週目に「アメリカ探究の旅」を配信します。(33) Fireworks and More ディスニーワールドの花火


W: So Jun, how did you like Disney? Was it everything you expected?

M: It was FANTASTIC. But there were way too many people.

W: Well, it's Disney. There are always a lot of people. It's one of America's largest tourist attractions, after all.

M: I guess. I just never expected SO many people. And I heard people speaking so many different languages!

W: Yeah, a lot of foreign travelers like Disney, I guess.

M: But the rides were all fun, and the shows and parades: amazing! The fireworks at night in the Magic Kingdom were the best I've ever seen!

W: Yeah, Disney definitely knows how to put on a good show.

M: Now I definitely need to go to Tokyo Disney when we go back to Japan. I have to see if it's the same or not!

(Written by Lauren DeCosta)