梅雨の季節ですが、本格的な夏の到来まであとわずかとなりました。今回の会話は、冬の寒さの記憶もまだ新しい中、ようやく初夏の陽気を感じさせる、そんな季節の会話です。さて、今年の夏の暑さは、史上最高気温(an all-time high)となるのでしょうか…。

Image credit: Stevebidmead via Pixabay. CC0 Public Domain.

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(初級〜中級)*** It's a Good Expression ***


to warm up


a nice change of pace


a biting cold


before you know it


an all-time high


to make it to new lows


※to make it to 〜= to make it as far as 〜





to wear layers of clothes





to exaggerate



とにかく(anyway)、その上(in addition, moreover)

I can't argue with that.




*** Script ***

Which Is Better: Winter or Summer?

W: A~ah, the weather's been so nice lately! Finally it's starting to warm up.

M: Yeah, it's a nice change of pace after the biting cold of winter.

W: This past winter was really freezing, wasn't it?

M: I know. It DID seem like it was worse than usual. But now it's warming up quick and it'll be summer before you know it! Hopefully, the summer heat won't reach all-time highs like the winter cold made it to new lows.

W: Right now I feel like I'd rather deal with an oppressively hot summer than face that cold any longer.

M: But the humidity is going to be horrible! And sunlight causes skin cancer, you know.

W: True, but it'll be worth it to be able to actually go outside without having to wear 5 layers of coats.

M: Yeah, but it'll be so hot that you won't actually WANT to go outside.

W: That's not even possible; I always want to be outside. There's nothing like fresh air to fill you with energy!

M: We'll see if you still feel that way when your lungs are filled with the moisture from the humidity.

W: You're exaggerating; it can't possibly ever get that bad. Besides, aren't you excited to be able to get out and do all of those fun summer activities?

Barbeques, playing ball at the park, going to the beach, and going on hikes!

M: Hey, you really like being outside, don't you?

W: Well, yeah. Even just sitting outside and enjoying the warm weather is nice. There's something that's just relaxing about sitting in the shade, even if you're doing some kind of work at the same time.

M: Well, I can't argue with that; I know I'd rather sit outside than in a stuffy old office, or something.

W: Exactly! It's better for your health too.

M: Alright. You win. Yeah! Summer is coming!

(Written by Lauren DeCosta)