
さて、これまで2年間「やさしい英語会話」のアシスタントを務めてくれたAkariさんは、今回の出演が最後となります。毎月第2週目にお届けしている「アメリカ探求の旅」の方は引き続きAkariさんが担当しますが、「やさしい英語会話」は次回から新アシスタントを迎えます。これからも、Hiroshima University's English Podcastの番組をよろしくお願いします!

Image credit: RondellMelling via Pixabay. CC0 Public Domain.

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(初級〜中級)*** It's a Good Expression ***


Good hustle out there!



to work on 〜


to say things behind 〜's back






Get that smirk off your face.


I'm having a little honest fun.


to make vulgar remarks at


I want us to make something… some beautiful music together, baby.


You're hopeless.


It gets me going!


This king bee needs some of your sweet, sweet honey.


A lady's heart is NOT through her pants.


true intentions


*** Script ***

In Love with a Girl

Setting: Locker room chat after a friendly game of basketball

M: Hey, Aya, good hustle out there!

W: Hey, Bob, thanks! You too! But I don't think I played so well today. I need to work on my dribbling a little more.

M: Well, I think your dribbling was just fine. But if you want to, we can go back to MY room and I can teach you about a few REALLY SPECIAL things!

W: Bob! Why are you always making such comments! I hope you don't say things like that behind my back. It's so crude!

M: Well, let's hope you're never on your back. Ha ha ha. Then I can be a real crude boy!

W: Ah! That's gross! Seriously, Bob, you're going to get in some serious trouble some day with your words! Some people aren't as nice as I am! And get that smirk off your face.

M: Oh, I'm just having a little honest fun. You should try it some day…

W: Yeah. I know how to have fun. I just don't make vulgar remarks at people.

M: But, I'm making more than just a remark. I want us to make something… some beautiful music together, baby.

W: Oh, Bob, you're hopeless…

M: Well, give me some hope then! You see, the thing is… Aya, I'm in love with you! The way you walk… the way you talk… it gets me going! And this king bee needs some of your sweet, sweet honey.

W: (Gasp!) Oh…Bob…well, the way to a lady's heart is NOT through her pants, you know! But, I must say: now that I know your true intentions, I guess I could use a quick lesson… about basketball, that is!

(Written by Humberto De Armas)