「アメリカ探究の旅〜イングリッシュポッドキャスト・英語を学ぶはじめの一歩〜」(Adventure in America)の第21回目です。少し英語が苦手!という皆さんを対象にした、長さもレベルも聞きやすい番組です。しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。




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Adventure in America (21)


M: Hey Lydia, why are your dad and uncle cooking the food? My mom would never let someone else cook at a party!

W: Oh, at barbeques it's usually the men who do the grilling. It's just sort of become a custom, I guess.

M: So, the women never cook at barbeques?

W: Sometimes they might grill. Usually my dad does it, though. My mom made the rest of the food though, so I guess it's kind of an even exchange.

M: Oh…my dad never helps my mom prepare the meals for parties. It's just a little strange to see.

W: If one person had to do all of it, though, they'd be exhausted!

M: I guess you're right. I never thought of it that way. My mom's pretty amazing, I guess!

(Written by Lauren DeCosta)