今月の「やさしい英語会話」は、オリジナルの物語"Time Traveling Troubles"を3回にわたってお届けします。


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(17:13 10.4MB 初級~中級)*** It's a Good Expression ***


Now I can rule the world!

助動詞"can" は通常「キン」「クン」に近い弱形(weak form)で発音される。

take a test run


potentially cause the destruction of the universe as we know it


※potentially = maybe

Did it work?




little lady



you are, you're

※通常、アメリカ口語ではyou areのように2語を分けて発音せず、you'reと短縮する。

I'm sheriff of this here town.


※this hereはアメリカ南部の方言。



my good sir









Did ya bump yer head or somethin'?


something along those lines

そんなところです(something like that)


まったくもう。(Too bad.)


it don't matter

=it doesn't matter.


The Beatlesの"Ticket to Ride"の歌詞"She's got a ticket to ride, but she don't care." は、John Lennonがブラック・ミュージックの雰囲気を出すために用いたと思われる。

the doc

=the doctor

※映画Back to the Futureでおなじみの語だが、もともとは医者の先生を指すくだけた表現。

*** Script ***

(Slow speed) 02:30-04:55

(Natural speed) 15:15-17:20

Time Traveling Troubles (1)

W: Hey, I've finally done it! I've built a fully-functioning time machine! Hahahaha! Now I can rule the world! But first, let's take a test run. Hmm… let's see… Yesterday around 2 in the afternoon should be good. I was at lunch then, so I shouldn't run into myself and potentially cause the destruction of the universe as we know it! OK. So, I just put the watch on, and turn this dial, and press this button…

(Time traveling noises)

W: Did I do it? Did it work!? Wait this doesn't look my laboratory.

M: (With cowboy accent) Hey, can I help ya there, little lady?

W: What! Who… Who are you? Where am I?

M: Well, yer in the fine state of Texas! And I'm sheriff of this here town.

W: Great… just where I always wanted to go, Texas (sigh).

M: Excuse me, Miss. Were ya just disrespecting our great state? (pulls out six-shooter and cocks the gun)

W: No, no, no. Of course not, my good sir! Um… Can you tell me what year it is?

M: Well, it's 1865 and has been for 'bout five months. Um… are ya doing OK there, little lady? Did ya bump yer head or somethin'?

W: Yes, yes, something along those lines… Darn, I really thought I had it this time, though I guess I did travel back in time, just not where or when I had thought. Man, how am I going to get back home?

M: Hey, why ya wearin' such strange clothes?

W: Oh… I…

M: Well, it don't matter. Come on and get up on this here horse, and I'll take ya back to town and we can have the doc take a look at ya.

W: Get on the horse?

M: Yes, ma'am.

(Written by Matthew Bola)